Monday, February 23, 2009

Inspiration - Living Well - Leaving a Legacy and About Me

I decided I better write a little "About Me" blog just so everyone can know where I'm coming from. I'm 22 years old (almost 23 in April) and currently attend school at Idaho State University. I can't say my ride at college has been the most fun for me. But, when I think about it I wonder if it reflects my own personality and negatism for I.S.U. or more of the environment I was in. Or maybe it was just the combination of both. Now that I'm a senior I feel disheartened that I didn't try to make more of an impact on I.S.U. or vise-versa. Hopefully, I can try to live life more fully and happily than my college career.

But, less about college and more about myself. As anyone could tell you who knows me I'm a nerd at heart. I love gaming, the internet, gadgets, anything with electronic parts. Because of this nerdiness, this insatiable appetite for knowledge, I "googled" happiness to help suggestions to find a way to live more happily. Looking through the results I found a very inspirational video on Youtube from a man named Randy Pausch. He was a pioneer in virtual reality and was a faculty member at Carnegie Mellon University until his death on July 25th, 2008 at the age of 47. His last speech is was entitled "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams." This speech is one of the most amazing ones I've seen and it has really struck deep within me. I'll post it at the end of this blog with a link so you to can watch it and witness an amazing and inspiring man.

Along with being a nerd I also consider myself a bit of an artist - with little or no artistic ability. I enjoy photography, painting, movies, music - anything art related. I love sharing other peoples' art as well. Later on I'll post my artistic finds in blogs to come. If you didn't know already - a lot of interesting and amazing art related things can be found using an application for Firefox known as "Stumbleupon." If interested in trying it out click the link and add it to your Firefox browser.

Along with technology and art I love the outdoors. Everything about camping, fishing, hiking, and just being around people you enjoy is always great. This summer I'm planning on going many trips - so be ready for some amazing shots of nature at work. 

For Example
(Shot taken coming home from Utah 2007)

I hope that helps you know a little more about me. Until next time...


Here's the speech from Randy along with my own dream list.

The Dream List
(Not in any particular order)

1. Make a basset hound a part of my family.


2. Make a live action movie

3. Own a BMW M3.

4. Learn to cook delicious Italian meals.

5. Get married and have a family

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Filling the Void ~ The start of my journey...

So, I finished my first video for skate 2 this Friday night Saturday early early morning. I have to say, I'm really quite pleased with the way it turned out. I'm planning on making a longer video later on down the road. Hopefully, I can do some better editing and maybe have some friends in it as well (the power of technology). Hopefully, having my very first blog post about a video game video doesn't show my "nerdiness" too much.

...a little about my video...

I titled this video "Filling the Void." I've been really bored these past few weeks, despite all the mounds of college work and regular work. Also, having winter weather outside isn't helping this state of mind at all. I figured I'd have the title of my video reflect the somewhat of a "cure" skate 2 has brought in aiding this boredom. The song in the video is "Roygbiv" by Boards of Canada. I tend to think of the overall theme of the video as a balanced, smooth, and flowing. Well, no more delays. Here's the video - Enjoy!